
Warning Signs You Have Hard Water in Your Home in Connecticut

89% of Americans are currently drinking and using hard water, especially in and around cities throughout Connecticut. Unsure what hard water is, you’re not alone!

Hard water contains calcium and magnesium ions. Water with a high mineral count can cause damage to appliances, dishware, and more. Worse, the mineral deposits that can result from hard water serve as a possible breeding ground for bacteria.

A water softening system can help you to avoid several problems associated with hard water. What is a water softener? Water softeners use a chemical reaction to remove the magnesium and calcium that is dissolved in the water. These minerals are what make it “hard water.”

Let’s take a closer look at some signs you need a home water softener system in Connecticut:

Signs of Hard Water in Connecticut

1. Limescale buildup on your appliances.

Scale, or “ limescale ,” is a hard, chalky substance made up of calcium and magnesium bicarbonate. These salts are what form the white chalky quality of the buildups. Water softeners can help to reduce this buildup of scale by using ion exchange technology.

If you have limescale, you likely have hard water. Mineral deposits can form on pans and pots, or even worse within the pipes. This clogs within a home in Connecticut so much that your house is actually less effective at passing water through the pipes! Yes, hard water is a real problem!

2. Stains on the sinks and bathtubs

Mineral residue on faucets, bathtubs, and sinks indicates that you are getting hard water. When tap water evaporates, it leaves behind magnesium and calcium stains in your bathroom and kitchen.

How to remove these stains?

You can remove these stains using vinegar and wipe around the base. You can also let the jets on your tub run for about 15 minutes and let soak for an hour or so. Pouring in a cup of bleach and a half cup powdered dishwasher detergent will also remove these mineral deposits.

3. Glassware is brittle and easily damaged

If you’ve noticed your glasses have white chalky stains on them and are also easily broken, then hard water is likely the cause. Mineral deposits on glassware cause them to become more fragile. It can also become a headache trying to remove the chalky stains.

The key is to avoid concentrated powdered soap in the dishwasher because powdered soaps are more abrasive and won’t dissolve completely most of the time. You can also soak your glasses in the sink for a while with water and vinegar to get rid of stains. Of course, using a water softener to eliminate hard water stains is likely the most effective course of action.

4. Clothes are turning gray and faded

Noticing that your clothes and bedding is becoming faded? They may feel scratchy and be hard to wash because there is so much extra mineral substance contained in your water. That’s the hard water.

One thing you can do to reduce the grayness that comes from having hard water is to get a front loader washing machine with liquid detergent. Honestly, the best way to get rid of this gray mineral quality in your laundry is to get the best water softener.

5. Skin is leathery and hair is bone dry

Hard water can actually cause itchy dry skin and hair because there’s so much extra calcium and magnesium in it. Soap and shampoo can only prevent this so much.

How does this happen? Well, minerals in water settle on your skin and soap that doesn’t dissolve well in hard water can’t remove them. This leaves a residue on skin that irritates the hell out of it and makes it feel dry and rough.

When you wash in soft water, you feel your skin the way it’s supposed to feel, clean and silky smooth. According to the U.C. Berkeley Wellness Letter, when you wash in hard water, the soap you’re using reacts with the hardness minerals in the water “to form an insoluble residue that’s difficult to wash away.”

Hard water blocks pores and causes more inflammation and black heads. It also makes your skin leathery and dry, while tarnishing it the way that glass without being rinsed will tarnish in the dishwasher.

6. Your water bill has dramatically increased

Has your water bill been dramatically increasing over the past months?  In most cases, it’s consumption. But if not much has changed in your consumption, it could be due to hard water.

Hard water clogs your pipes due to the mineral deposits that coat the pipes. This happens more frequently if you have older or metal pipes. When your pipes have residue or clogging, they have to work harder to push water through. This leads to using more water and more energy, and ultimately increased costs!

Common Questions about Water Softners

Doesn’t my city supply me with soft water?

Your city water supplier in Connecticut is not required to provide you with soft water. They will reduce the amount of hardness to some degree. But according to the U.S. Geological Survey, 85 percent of American homes are still supplied with hard water. Your city is required to provide you with water test results that show water hardness; just call the number on your water bill.

Do water softeners put salt in the water?

A water softener does not put salt into the water.

It merely exchanges calcium ions in the water for sodium or potassium ions. The amount of sodium or potassium coming through in soft tap water is extremely low.

What to do if you suspect you have hard water?

Do any of these hard water conditions sound familiar? Whether your water comes from a well or a municipality, many homes face these problems every day.

There are different solutions to different problems, but there’s only one perfect answer to all your hard water issues: installing a water softener in your home.

If you’ve noticed a potential problem in your future home’s pipes, or just want a professional plumber to inspect any issues  to make sure everything is working, do not hesitate to contact A-Team Plumbing & Drain!

We offer 24 hours services, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year! Our plumbers are the best in Connecticut!