
Pros and Cons of Using Low Flow Shower Heads for Your Bathroom

Is your water bill kickin’ you in the teeth? Low flow shower heads can help!

A low flow shower head is fairly self explanatory: a type of shower head that has low pressure which allows for smaller amounts of water to flow through it compared to ordinary shower heads. Typically, these shower heads will restrict the flow of water, even when its on maximum levels on your shower knob.

If you do desired to have  more water to flow through your low flow showerhead, you can purchase a shower head with automatic restrictors which senses the pressure and adjust according to your preference.

To get a better understanding of low flow showers heads have a look at the pros and cons below:

Pros of low flow shower heads

Manage Water Waste

A low flow shower head prevents and manages water waste.  As recently, shower heads typically delivered water at a rate of around 5 to 8 gallons per minute! Today, the standard for a regular shower head is around 2 and a half gallons per minute. Low flow shower heads will typically deliver water at around 2 gallons per minute.

Reduce electricity bill

The more water flowing through the shower head the more energy is required to heat it up. The decrease in water outflow results in the reduction of the heat needed to warm the water. When you use electricity to warm your water you reduce your electrical bills when you use a low flow shower head.

Environmental impact

As a result of saving on energy which is a result of the low flow shower heads, there is decrease in emission of the poisonous gases such as carbon dioxide. This makes your home and world that much safer.

For more environmental friendly plumbing devices check out our:  Eco-Friendly Plumbing Devices

Cons of low flow shower heads

Water is typically cooler

Low flow shower heads combine water droplets with surrounding air. This makes the water to cool very fast unlike the traditional water heads.

Time lag

In low flow shower heads there is usually a delay which is also known as a time lag from the time you adjust the temperature to the time the water temperature changes. This can be quite irritating especially when you are in a hurry.