
Common Spring Plumbing Issues in Connecticut

Spring season is certainly a pleasure after the chilly cold winters in Connecticut, but as the temperatures turn warmer, plumbing issues may become more frequent throughout your home.

Pipes may thaw, which can lead to potential cracks. Sinks and tubs often clog due to winter debris. And the melting snow can result in floods inside and outside the home, which may pave the way for mold, foundational cracks and other issues.

What can you do to prevent common plumbing issues in the spring season? You can learn more about them, act on the advice in this blog, and turn to A-Team Plumbing and Drain for all your springtime plumbing problems !

Cracked Pipes

Cracked pipes are one of the most common plumbing issues in spring . During winter, water freezes in the pipes, causing them to expand. As spring looms ahead, this water melts away, but the contracting of pipes can lead to cracks. A thorough inspection of the plumbing system should help pinpoint any gaps, damages and potential points of leakages. While you can do this yourself, it is best to leave the task to professional plumbers.

Sometimes, potential cracks may be hidden behind a wall or underneath the flooring. In this case, observe other signs such as soiled ceilings/walls and low water pressure.  Generally, if your plumbing system has any leakages, the water flow through the faucets will be restricted. But please note that low water pressure isn’t always due to leaks.  There can be other reasons as well as we’ll shortly see.

Professional plumbers often make use of a leak detector to observe potential points of leakages.  These devices determine the location of the leak, which is then dealt with accordingly.

Cracked pipes are also a result of a burst bib, which is common in pipes connecting to the outside faucet. Pipes that are exposed may remain frozen and unnoticed throughout the winter season in case the spigot isn’t turned. The washer doesn’t permit any water to flow through the cracks. However, if the faucet is turned on in spring, water can gush out of the cracks.  Generally, the best way to prevent any significant damage is to locate and turn off the shutoff valve. You should also disconnect garden hoses from the faucet, and winterize the pipes, which involves turning off the water supply and completely draining the pipes.

Clogs and Blockages

Sinks and bathtubs are often used in winter and may clog especially if inappropriate items are allowed to pass down the drain. Blockages occur because of drains being clogged with hair, oils, scrubbing beads and a host of other products that find their way into your residential plumbing system.

Clogs can be cleared using a number of products and devices. One of the simplest is a mixture of baking soda and vinegar, but it is effective only for minor clogs. For completely blocked drains, you would require advanced tools. Drain cleaning products are also a seemingly attractive solution, but avoid them because they often contain chemicals that can build up in the drain causing further blockages and damages the pipes from the inside.

Slow Drains

During the winter season, the plumbing system often works harder than usual, especially if you love taking extra long hot and steaming showers every day. Too much wastewater can affect water flow down the drain, resulting in slow drains. A plunger can resolve the issue, but it is best to let a plumber examine your drains.

Gutter Obstructions

Just like drains, gutter lines are also prone to blockages. As new plants grow, their roots, along with debris, twigs and other leaves, may enter gutter lines, and block waste flow.  Generally, restrictions in the gutter force water to flow out over the sides, which may affect surrounding areas along with your walls and ceilings. These blockages may also allow water to pool. If left to stand, the site will be exposed to corrosion, mold growth and other pest infestations.

Low Water Pressure

Low water pressure is an inconvenience and usually indicates a bigger underlying problem.  Major causes include pipe clogs, corroded lines and noncompliance with modern building codes and practices. The best way to deal with limited water flow is to turn to a professional plumbing company for help.

Spring Flooding

Melting snow may result in too much water that can find its way into your foundation, crawlspace and basement. Many times, this flooding is noticeable, but at other time, you may not realize the issue instantly. Water in small amounts can gradually erode the foundation of your house, incurring significant repair costs. The most common signs of basement flooding are stains in the wall, excess moisture in the area or in the crawlspace and a persistent, musty odor.

If members of your family often fall sick, it may be because of mold growth, which is a common result of basement flooding.

Common Preventive Methods

Now that you are aware of common springtime plumbing problems , let us quickly review some of the most effective preventive methodologies.  

– Get the sum pump inspected and ascertain it is working as expected.

– Test all the faucets in your home. If you notice a less than normal water flow, it can indicate a potential leak. Sometimes, the water may also sputter out rather than flow consistently.

– Check the exterior and interior of your home, ensuring that there are no signs of leaks.

– Get your water heater inspected and maintained. A nonoperational or malfunctioning system can often lead to major plumbing issues.

So which of these common springtime plumbing problems do you generally face? Regular examination and inspection of your plumbing system is by far the best preventative methodology in most cases. Visit our blog for more great plumbing advice!